
The Cranbrook Women in Farming branch was formed in 2014 and has continuously increased in number. It currently attracts members from the Great Southern Region including Cranbrook, Tambellup, Kendenup, Frankland, Plantagenet and Gnowangerup.

Cranbrook branch meetings are held every second month and in 2017 it was decided to trial holding our meetings at a different winery within the region. This will allow us to hold our meetings first with either a general discussion or guest speaker, followed by lunch and a chance to socialise with other members.

Great discussion has come out of meetings and members have enjoyed having a number of guest speakers travel to address the group.

The branch is lucky enough to have the services of the local day care open to accommodate those children that are in need of care during meetings, allowing a number of mums to attend.

New members are welcome and membership is open to women of all ages. For more information about joining Cranbrook Women in Farming, email here .

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Nicola Edwards

Circumnavigator. Graphic Designer. Web Designer.

Boyup Brook

