Davina Gossage


General Board Member

Growing up in the country and having trained as a Naturopath with a Health Science degree, Davina is passionate about health and wellbeing, especially of those in small communities and rural Australia.

Born and bred in Dumbleyung, Davina with husband Eric have three children with the eldest son currently farming alongside them as the 5th generation farmer on the property. Davina has been involved in a broad range of community groups and sporting organisations, generally following the paths of interest of her three children whilst they were growing up. This led to a diverse interest and skill set which she values as one of the many benefits those living and working in small communities gain. Other interests of Davina include yoga, meditation, golf, tennis and water sports.

Davina’s past experience includes facilitating for the Drought Pilot programmes where she focussed on the Life Balance section whilst working with farmers on strategic planning across all areas. She has also worked as a Community Coordinator for the Narrogin region under the OneLife WA Suicide Prevention Strategy. As a Living Works Trainer, Davina delivers the ASIST course, Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training. More recently Davina has co-managed the local CRC after working there as a casual for a number of years.

With a keen interest in regenerative agriculture, Davina looks forward to being involved in Women in Farming as well as meeting like-minded people in the industry.


Carolyn Reid


Jane Kowald